Drawing Dragons

How do I get there from here: Drawing Dragons Day 131

Sometimes, I start drawing a dragon, and I’m like, sweet. This is looking super cool. I got this like syrup on pancakes. And then, quite suddenly, the syrup starts sliding down my hands and drips onto my taffeta gown slicing maple streaks through the hills of pink fabric a flowing waterfall of despair cascading over my dance card and where did I get a taffeta gown I have no idea but it is now clearly covered in syrup and buttery pancake and a mariachi band is playing in the background while renaissance dancers curtsy to me as I hold the wrong end of the fork and stare down at my syrup covered dress.

Dragon in pencil with jaw askew just head

And then I erase the misaligned jaw and feel slightly less sticky about the whole situation.

Dragon head in pencil slightly less grotesque

Though things do smell conspicuously of pancakes.

Keep creating,
