Drawing Dragons

Owl: Drawing Dragons Day 185

I have to tell you, friends, today I saw dragon that was so GOOD, that it felt like something was opening up inside of me.

It’s incredible, right? All fire and fear, but huge. Invincible.

I’m not one for knights slaying dragons. I’m for freedom and possibility and magic.

But this dragon says something more than that, doesn’t it?

It comes from a Dungeons and Dragons book, which almost surprised me, but then didn’t.

That hero is on an adventure, but he needs to make a choice wicked fast; maybe he’ll stop being a hero altogether. Maybe he’ll be a healer instead.

I wanted to draw one small piece of this dragon, and I settled on its heart-shaped nose.

I could pull this out for you, But let’s just say it did not go well. I have a nose, but it was so obviously an owl, that I turned into an owl. You’re welcome.

The news of a crazy amazing dragon drawn in pencil and turned into an owl

Keep creating,
