Writing Tips

Chicon Wrap-Up

I am on my way back from Chicon, the World Science Fiction Convention. I made a last-second decision to go, and then my son got the chance to be one of Tamora Pierce’s Legends. We went back and forth and back and finally went forth. Here’s my Chicon Wrap-up.

Chicon Header

In this weird Covid world, I wonder if I’ll ever be comfortable in a hotel or airport again. 

Add to that the need to network, connect, and do so much in one freaking weekend (when the main connections I have had in the last two months have been with my chickens, who don’t require that much besides food and water and reinforcement to continue their egg-laying lives, which I’m pretty sure they don’t even need the positivity, but come on, they are wonderful ladies who are clearly doing an eggs-celent job), and well, it was a recipe for disaster (hard-boiled). 

Ya’ll know I was awkward before the pandemic. I am aging like a Cadbury Egg. I’m taking awkward to the logical extreme. If you push it far enough, you end up with cool, right?


I’m going to fool myself into believing that (and fingers crossed, I’ll fool you too). 

So, here’s my Chicon Wrap-up. I kept my expectations low. Made a few dinner plans. Stayed open to possibilities. Said yes to mocktails with new friends and a shared cab with an editor. I even went to a panel about running conventions.

Kate Ristau smiling
Me bringing my particular joy to the Hugos.

Chicon Wrap-up: What did I learn?

I’m pretty sure we are all in the same boat. We’re all reaching out, looking for connections, searching for something. We’re all walking into a room hoping something wonderful is going to happen — that we’ll make a new friend, or learn something cool, or find out an event has been cancelled and replaced by tacos. 

cooked tacos on the table in my Chicon Wrap-up

One can dream. 

The day those tacos come, I’ll know the world is going to be all right. But until then, like you, I’ll keep reaching. Keep searching. And keep staying open to the possibilities. 

If you ever see me at a convention or conference, say hi. If you ever find a room full of tacos, message me. Things are hard enough on our own. We’ve got to work together. 

What’s next?

I’ve got a few business cards. I’ll followup. Add new friends to social media.

In the official tradition, I also have a few more books to add to my TBR pile. Kelly Robson was a wonderful gem, and her wife A.M. Dellamonica was a light. I look forward to reading new books by them both. Scott H. Andrews from Beneath Ceaseless Skies was a joy to talk to at 6AM. Who knew that was possible? And my Nebula friends like L.D. LewisMary Robinette Kowal, and Steven H. Silver, along with Portland friends Erik, Luke, Cylia and Fonda brought smiles along with them. It was a great weekend. I also met a very cool new friend at the SFWA mixer – more about him later. 

Of course, I can’t forget the sheer amount of cheese I ate with Jeffe Kennedy (I regret nothing!!).

Once I’ve connected, I’ll continue on. It doesn’t end after the con, and it shouldn’t. We want to be part of something, so let’s keep doing it. Let’s connect. Let’s reach out. Let’s make our own room full of tacos. 



Lee designed my Clockbreakers and Shadow Girl covers and is an incredibly talented professional. I’m happy to see him getting the recognition for his wildly good work with Seannan McGuire. Congraulations, Lee!

And that’s the end of my Chicon Wrap-up. Be good to each other.