Drawing Dragons

Stars and NOPE: Drawing Dragons Day 39

Friends, I had the most wonderful flash fiction piece come out today at Typewriters and Salve. You can read it here. 

It’s called “Stars.” It gets at this feeling of magic you have when you are a kid. This world of openness and possibility that somehow disappears. I want that back.

I was so excited to see this piece come up at T&S, that I was like, I WANT TO DRAW A STAR DRAGON. Like a big and beautiful and magical dragon that gets at the feeling of that piece — the wonder and the joy and the loss, but mostly the magic.

So, I sat down. I drew the wings.

They didn’t look quite right, but I went with it.

Then I drew the star. It a looked a little amateur, in this possibly cute way. Then I drew the head and…

Really weird dragon holding a star








Nope. Not even.

But maybe I’ll erase the chest and work a little more on the body. Fix the eyes and…

Dragon with eyes crossed

Nuh-uh. This is not a thing. Not working. I’ll erase the wings. Take a shot at the head.

Dragon Head sketch

There we go. Cool. I like it.

Pretty decent dragon head

It’s polished. It’s just this side of perfect.

But where are the stars?