#amwriting Drawing Dragons

Dragon Kid: Drawing Dragons Day 38

I googled Dragon Kid because I wanted to draw a dragon that was a kid. This did not work.

Dragon Kid wrestler

Nor did this.

Anime Dragon Kid

I gave it another shot and googled kid dragon.

Actual Kid Dragons

Okay. That seemed a little bit more reasonable. The purple one is cute, right? Shouldn’t take too long. And Wonder will like it.

Sketch of dragon head

What is even happening? Did a blowfish mate with a zeppelin?

How does the drawing of this happen even?

It’s okay. It’s cool. I’ve got this.

Weird dragon kid face

Nope. I don’t. I don’t got this.

Bob says I should embiggen the eyes. Maybe that will help my goldfish frog.

And maybe add some color. That’s not gold.

Okay. Maybe. I think this looks more possible.

Purple Dragon head

We’ll see how it looks tomorrow.

Night, folks.

Keep creating,
