Drawing Dragons

Dragon Ballet: Drawing Dragons Day 13

Wonder had his first ballet lesson at Portland Ballet today. He couldn’t contain his excitement, pulling on his tights and tying his shoes.

I corralled him through the door and sat on a bench, wondering about these moments, where we’re waiting on the outside, wishing our kids strength and hoping for courage courage…because it takes a lot to make these tiny steps.

And not just for them; we bend under all that worry that we bundle inside and push away while we smile and hustle and convince them to head in the door.

I waited outside, and I started my dragon.

A ballet dragon, I thought. I’d draw it for him.

I sketched the legs, the tail, the feet.

. Light sketch of dragon man

By the time the head came around, it was super clear that the body was too small. But those toes! That pointe!

skethc of dragon man with too small legs

As Wonder leapt through ballet class, I erased the dragons’ toes.

I had dreams of a cute dancing dragon, but I ended up with a stalwart fellow, pointing his claw, dreaming of delicate twirls.

Sometimes what we imagine takes much more work to achieve.

Wonder came out of class; I was not nearly finished.

“What was your favorite part?” I asked him.

“The jumping,” he said.

almost finished dragon man sketch

Partially inked dragon man