Family Vegan

People always ask…

People always ask, what do you eat? The background music to this question always has something to do with nutrition. How do you get enough protein? What about calcium? Can you really raise your kid vegan?

I’ve read tons of studies and have lots of personal experience, but I figure the best way to go about this is to just SHOW you how I do it.

As you follow this blog, you’ll hear a lot about my little guy, Rowan. He was born April 4th and will be starting solid foods soon! You’ll also hear about my husband, Bob. He suffers through my attempts at gourmet masterpieces, which always end up being called “pile.” Bob’s constantly teaching me ways to spice it up a little bit! You’ll also hear about our dog, Winslow. He never suffers when I cook, since I’m clumsy as all get out. We could just feed him what I’d dropped on the floor and he’d still be fat. He’s a happy dog.

This blog isn’t just about being a vegan mom. Honestly, I don’t spend too much time thinking about that. It’s just becoming part of who I am. This blog is about living, well, let’s call it “reasonably.” Caring for ourselves and caring for others (whether they’re humans or animals!).

Most of the time I have no idea what I’m doing. And to be honest, half the time I’m a fucking idiot. But the rest of the time, I’m trying to be a good mom, a good wife, and a good person. While also being good to myself. Yeah, I’m selfish. I won’t qualify that:)

In terms of selfishness, I love baby snuggles, I love kisses from Bob, I love writing, and I love good food. Read on and I’ll tell you more about it.