
Green Wok

Just had dinner with Bob, Rowan and friends at Green Wok. It was delightful. But, when we got back in the car, I asked Bob if I talked to much. He said I talked about the baby. A lot. Well, that’s what happens when I don’t emerge from my house for two days. My grown-up conversation turns into baby talk too.

Ironically, I was discussing this blog at dinner with my friend, and we joked about what I would write about. I want to give you something worth reading, but I guess if that’s the case, I need to DO something worth reading.

Besides baking terrible vegan gluten free baked goods.

I’ll get right to that. The whole “living” thing. Maybe tomorrow. Right now I have more writing to do.

2 replies on “Green Wok”

Well said! Good reading is sometimes hard living too!

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