#amwriting Wylde Wings

Wylde Wings Sample

Come on baby unlight my fire!

Ya’ll! I miss you. I miss having you over for coffee, or seeing you at a reading. I’ve spent waaaaaaaay to much time with my chickens, my kid, and Facebook. It’s not healthy. 

But I think we’re all surviving, you know? Finding our way back into the world? I ended that sentence with a question mark because the world still seems a little:

Man on fire holding newspaper chill like nothing is happening
I mean, that dude is cool, but he should watch out that his newspaper doesn’t burn up. Save print journalism.

Anyways, we are all still figuring things out, reaching out, and wondering how this whole life on the other side is eventually going to work.

I’m hoping people assume that my incoherent babbling is the Irish I have been practicing, and not that my brain melted during the pandemic (Plot spoiler: it did a little bit). 

First pages of Wylde Wings!

But there’s good, you know, somewhere in all of it. I’ve had my time without you to work on things for you, like the new middle grade welsh mythology and magic Portland-based awesome pile from me and Brian W. Parker: Wylde Wings.

Image with text - Take flight this fall, myth and magic from Hope Well Books. Image of Wylde Wings Book Cover with boy holding spark with wings

I’ve got the first few pages for you below. I hope you like them. If you do, write me back and let me know!

If you don’t, your brain might be melting too. Probably should have a tele-health visit and get that checked out. 

Or, you can back the kickstarter and make me less stressed out. You do you.

Support Wylde Wings

Wylde Wings moves back and forth between the adventure story and Gwyn Wylde’s Journal. I hope you enjoy the first few pages!

Wylde Wings Sample prologue: There once was a town on the other side of the mountain. It never did have a name, for it never needed one. The people there were happy, and life was easy. That little town was all they knew, and all they needed to know. They didn’t dream higher than the mountain or swim far out to sea. They held their secrets close, and they kept their children in the light. 
And for as long as they could remember, they flew.
Every twelve-year-old child, on the day they earned their name, was so filled with the spark that their wings would pop out, bursting through their fragile skin and into the morning light.
When the darkness came, and took their wings, they sent one small spark of light across the ocean. They hoped, they dreamed, that one day, the spark would return to them when they called.
Wylde Wings Sample - Image of sketched oak crown with text:  Why Stories Are Stupid
Mom loved stories. She told them all the time. Every night, every day, and for every situation — she had a story. 
First day of school? Let me tell you a story…
Dog died? Why I remember when…
Can’t find the salt? That reminds me of the time…
Even now, I can’t look at the stars without remembering how the bear was lowered to the earth in a golden basket.  I can barely enter a forest without thinking of the Wild Hunt. And, after all these years, I still can’t stand seeing Christmas trees up past Twelfth Night. Don’t they fear the Oak King?
Wylde Wings Sample with text:Which is why stories are so stupid. 
Stories move you away from the everyday garbage of English class and physics lab and Mr. Wylde’s obsession with thermodynamics. Stories rescue you from Jules’ endless prattling about Dr. Who and Jaiden’s love of basketball statistics. Stories offer hope. 
And that’s why they’re so awful. 
They offer hope that things will change. That people will be kinder. Smarter. 
But reality, well, that’s a very different thing.

What I’m Up To

walking cartoon with blinking rainbow eyes

What Ripley is Up To

Ripley from Alien asking Did IQs just drop sharply while i was away

Find more out about Wylde Wings here.